
Submission Status of Assessment Reports 

This report shows the number and percentage of Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Program Outcomes (POs) for which campus units have submitted assessment plans and results in the IE portal. FSU login is required.

Technical Review Status of Assessment Reports

This report provides information about individuals involved in the annual outcomes assessment and reporting process for educational programs. It also tracks the surface-level quality of submitted reports, and location/modality reporting expectations for individual degree and certificate programs. FSU login is required.

General Education SLOs Report

This report displays levels of learning demonstrated by FSU students on the General Education curriculum Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in select courses. Please note that this specific, externally facing example dashboard was built using contrived student data for a fictitious department of Agriculture.


Alignment of University- And Unit-Level Plans

This report shows the alignment between FSU’s Strategic Plan and the Program Outcomes (POs) of different university units. It serves as a visual representation of the areas where academic and administrative departments provide direct and indirect support for the institutional goals..

Learning Analytics Outcomes Assessment Report

This report displays levels of learning demonstrated by FSU students on the Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) assessed by their educational program. Please note that this specific, externally facing example dashboard was built using contrived student data for a fictitious department of Agriculture.