We recognize that the global pandemic has a significant and wide-ranging impact on all institutional activities, including our planning, evaluation, and assessment processes. As we navigate this new landscape, please be assured that any necessary changes you made to the Institutional Effectiveness implementation and assessment procedures will be met with understanding and support. See SACSCOC Position Statement regarding the impact of the global pandemic on institutional planning and assessment.
When reporting and analyzing the Results of the 2019-20 Outcomes, please document any significant disruptions that were either directly caused by the pandemic or that were due to the University’s response to it. You may choose to only report on the Outcomes based on Summer 2019 and Fall 2019 educational and operational activities. You may also decide to report on the Outcomes from the full academic or fiscal year and note any important considerations that should be given to the Outcomes from Spring 2020 (and Summers A & B 2020 if applicable). The formulated Improvement Plans for the 2019-20 Outcomes may include a description of the program’s/unit’s decisions and strategies on how to return to normal operations or how to permanently change educational and operational practices.
The 2020-21 Outcomes, Assessment Methodology and Goals/Benchmarks for your program/unit can stay unchanged or be modified to accommodate for any short- or long-term effects due to spread of COVID-19. Please document any changes and rationale for them in your program’s/unit’s submissions of the IE assessment components.
Last updated in May 2020